Having thread breaks in an embroidery machine can be a daunting experience. But it is useless to get overwhelmed by the problem. Instead, you should learn how to deal with it as it is common to have thread breaks.
If you don’t know how to resolve the issue then it can turn a ten minutes project into a whole hour-long ordeal. Don’t worry. In this article, we will talk about the common thread breaks in the embroidery machine.
When making stitches, never underestimate the tension of the embroidery machine. Tension plays an integral role in the embroidery design process. It isn’t tension that is usually the culprit but neglecting the urge to adjust the tension according to the project can result in having problems in the long run.
You know how to spool a thread. It has a little notch where the thread is struck. The purpose of the notch is to keep the thread from unwinding. It can wreck havoc in the stitching process. The thread can get stuck in the notch when you are embroidering can cause thread breaks.
The solution for that is to file down the notch and smooth the little valley to make it nice. The way, the thread will no longer get caught.
Large spools of embroidery thread don’t unwind nicely when you place them on the spool holder on the embroidery machine’s back. Your thread will keep breaking this way. On the other hand, big spools will make tired.
The solution to this problem is to use a thread stand. It comes in handy in different ways. You can easily put all the spools of embroidery thread on the thread stand regardless of what the size is.
A thread stand helps the thread to unwind and come out of the spool when it’s time for it to go into the embroidery machine. You don’t have to play with the tension as it is not required to unwind the thread. You can also keep your spools of thread in a cup but it is not necessary. It all depends on your personal preferences.
One of the most common reasons for thread breaks in machine embroidery is if the machine is not threaded the way it should be. And if you get completely stuck and don’t know what to do, then the easiest way to solve the problem is to take the whole thread out from the machine and rethread it.
Another key point to avoid thread breaks in the embroidery machine is to thread the machine with the raised presser foot. If the presser foot is lowered during threading the machine, you may end up with a thread break.
The needle type could be the reason for your thread breaks in the embroidery machine. So, it is important to inspect the needle before the project. The first thing you need to do is to check if you are using the right needle or not. It should an embroidery needle and not a sewing machine needle. There is a difference between the embroidery needle and the sewing machine needle.
Embroidery needles have a large eye that helps the thread to go through the fabric easily. On the other hand, the sewing machine needle can break and get snagged as it has a smaller eye.
Embroidery machines usually require a specific thread weight. You can check the manual of the machine to check the thread weight requirement of your machine. It is important because if you use the wrong thread weight, it can cause a thread break.
Check the thread age. The thread gets old by time. If your embroidery thread is too old, then it is time to change it. However, make sure that it really needs to be changed. There might be some other factors that may come into consideration. Check it thoroughly before you waste it.
Make sure that you use a reliable embroidery thread brand for your project. There is no such thing that one brand is better than the other. It is all about personal preferences and the requirements of your embroidery design project. You can find some types of novelty threads such as metallic and many others. These threads are a bit tougher to work when it doing embroidering with the machine. It might be the quickest solution for you to change the brand of the embroidery thread to minimize the thread breakage in your embroidery machine.
Another thing that you need to check in the embroidery thread is the thread path. The threaded piece inside the tension discs can cause friction against the thread going through the machine causing it to snap. If you are facing this problem, then the easy way to solve it is by pulling everything out. Clean the thread path with the fishing line or unwaxed dental floss.
These are some of the common causes for the thread breaks in an embroidery machine. Follow these steps if you face any of the same issues. If you are still having any trouble regarding thread breaks, you can contact the MigDigitizing customer service team.
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