Converting JPEG to vector is an undeniable skill for vector artists and printing companies. A question may arise in your mind that why we need to convert JPEG to vector.
Well, the demand for vector images is due to the flexibility they give in terms of resolution. Thus, vector images are a perfect choice for the print industry. Here are some important factors to take into account when converting JPEG to vector.
The first step is to choose the right vector software for your artwork and design. The main task of the software is to convert bitmap, jpg, png to a vector format. The final output of the vectorized image can be enlarged accordingly as it won’t pixelate.
We need to convert the image or bitmap file to a suitable vector file format. You need to familiarize yourself with the vector formats. The main formats suitable for vector graphics include AI, CDR, SVG, PDF, EPS, and FH. You may encounter some other file formats but these are the main formats for vector art.
The vector image is made with the help of dots. These dots make the image. Mainly, we have to make outlines and trace the bitmap or image. It is then converted into a suitable file format.
These are the main factors for converting JPEG to vector. If you are willing to have a JPEG to vector conversion service at affordable rates, feel free to place your order with us.
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