You have heard about the phrase concept “less is more”. It also works the same when it comes to embroidery stitches. There might be a different approach to that. Today, we will talk about the most essential components of embroidery: embroidery stitches. If you are starting your embroidery journey, these are the only stitches you need to know to get started.
If you do know a bit about embroidery then you might not strongly believe that it is not the number of stitches that make you an expert embroiderer. The opposite might be even true. It is mainly because when you are out of options, you will try to be more creative to make them out of those options. Plus, it will be a bit exaggerating for you to learn about too many stitches, all at once. And with a confused state of mind, you will not be able to make those embellishing designs.
Here are the four most common stitches you will need to keep you going.
Backstitch comes first on our list because it is the most used embroidery stitch. In fact, you will be using this stitch almost in every embroidery design you create.
The reason behind this is backstitch gives you neat and crisp lines. The backstitch is also perfect if you want to make rounded stitches. If you have just started out, it is good to watch videos and tutorials about embroidery stitches.
Do not feel discouraged if your backstitches are not perfect in starting. The more you practice, the easier it gets to master the stitches. And it will gradually become easier to create embellishing designs.
The satin stitch is ideal for filling tiny surfaces. To make it more simple, satin stitches are stitches that are closed to each other. To achieve a satin-like effect, you need several parallel stitches of approximately the same length.
Thus if it’s the first time that you embroider the satin stitch, stroke your stitches with your finger to feel the smooth texture. We prefer one-sided stitches. You take up the needle as it minimizes stitches on the backside. Plus, it also prevents bubbles which sometimes happen with the double-sided satin stitch.
But make sure you put the needle with the same hole as this will undo your previous stitch. Moreover, you can easily fill out the empty space or go back.
The French knot is another stitch you need to know. To make french knots, begin by pulling the thread through the fabric. Take the thread in your left hand and pull it towards your left. And place the needle at the top of the straightened thread holding it in your left hand. Now make the number of turns according to the project requirements.
After the two turns, continue to hold the thread tightened. Place it next to where the thread came up and push through and continue to keep the thread tightened. By doing this, you are ensuring a controlled and neat knot.
The straight stitch is another great technique for embroidery which corresponds with its name. To make a straight stitch, you need to pull up the needle at your clothing material at any point and pull the needle. After that, place the stitch down away in a different direction. Your stitch length can vary depending on the requirements. But it is approximately 1cm to be considered as a good stitchery.
You can do some amazing stuff with the straight stitch technique. Combine it with other stitches, overlap, and stitch in all directions. In fact, this stitch is the most common when we talk about the embroidery details. For instance, you can create a vertical stitch having a shutter design to emphasize the shutter perception.
The above four embroidery stitches are the most common stitches you will be using throughout your embroidery career. These are actually our recommendations for digitizing stitches that we think you should learn. The more you experiment with them, the more confident you will feel. Like goes like stitches, practice, and your outcome.
This is all you need to know about the most basic stitches to start your embroidery career. We hope you find this blog helpful and inspires you to create eye-catching digitizing designs. Whether it is about designing your own embroidery patterns for commercial creations for embroidery digitizing companies or for your own enjoyment, these four stitches are helpful in the long run.
If you still have any questions about the topic, feel free to reach out to us. We will be happy to assist you.
Dec 23 , 2021 at 01:01:04
Sep 28 , 2023 at 08:42:39
Sep 28 , 2023 at 09:05:43